Saturday, June 6, 2015

And here we are!

We got on the TGV at Charles de Gaulle and zipped off for Tours, hoping our car would be there.  I have discovered that I am unable to upload images from my iPad to this blog for some reason.  Disappointing.  I will discontinue this and post on FB.  Sorry.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Day one.....the flight from hell

It all started out so normally.  A three minute ground hold at Redmond before a quick flight to Denver.  When we got there for a tight 45 minute connection our plane still hadn't arrived from Phoenix.  Our one hour forty minute layover in DC began to look iffy.  When we finally pushed back, one hour and ten minutes late it looked tight.  Then as we began out turn from the gate the pilot jammed on the brakes so hard it threw two cabin attendants to the deck, injuring both.  Sooooo back to the gate to get them medical attention and wait for two replacements.   Long story short?  We were three hours and forty minutes late.  So our carefully planned trip is now shot to hell.  We will miss our early train out of the Paris airport.  We sit on standby for a later flight, or we spend the night here and take one out tomorrow evening.  We stand to lose our car reservation, our train payment and our good humor.   United's skies aren't too friendly today.....

Day One.... Part two.

At the last minute we got the last two seats out on the last flight to Paris.  As I write this we are sitting in the TGV station at the airport waiting for the two o'clock train to Tours.  We have had to buy new tickets for this train, but our return tickets will still work.  So we are only 4 hours and a few euros behind schedule.